Frequently Asked Questions about YumTree and our Favorite Crepes

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page of YumTree! Here, you will find useful answers to commonly asked questions about our store and our favorite crepes.

We aim to offer you an excellent experience and address all your inquiries to make your visit to YumTree as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us through the form on the contact page or by phone.

Thank you for choosing YumTree, and we look forward to welcoming you!

Our store is located at D. Gounari 5, on the pedestrian street.

There are tables available for you to enjoy your food or ice cream. Also, there is ample safety for children as the shop is located on a pedestrian street.

Unfortunately, no, pets are not allowed indoors. However, there are tables available outside for you to enjoy your stroll along with our little friends.

Vegan options in crepes, waffles, and pancakes, both in savory and sweet variations!

For your best convenience, we collaborate with platforms such as Wolt and e-food.